Category Archives: Complementary Healing Therapies

These posts are my personal experiences with these therapies. It is not a replacement for medical advice. There are things M.D.s do very well. If you break a bone, go have it properly set by an M.D.! Then you might want to look into ways to complement that treatment to reduce pain for example. If you’ve stumped your fair share of M.D.s, don’t give up! There are many, many ways to return to perfect health. Your higher self knows the treatment that’s best for you. Quiet your mind, and listen.


Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method in which tiny needles are used to assist your life energy, or chi, in flowing freely.  When your chi flows properly, your body is able to heal itself.

No, it is not painful.  The needles go a tiny fraction of an inch into you; it’s not at all like getting poked.

Yes, it can be uncomfortable if you resist.  Certain points can be sensitive.  If you let go, any discomfort dissipates quickly in my experience.

I’ve been going to acupuncture for about a year and absolutely love it.  I’m amazed at what a difference it makes.  My favorite is when the doctor treats the anxiety points and nothing at all is a problem any more.  That would be followed closely by the point he uses when I’m about to go hike a high peak.  Even though I have a very mild form of asthma, when he pre-treats that point, I ascend that mountain easily and have to wait for my husband to catch his breath.  So great!